Ingredienser: Maltodextrin, VALLEproteinkoncentrat (fra MÆLK), glukose, dextrose, calciumlaktat, kakaopulver (5,3 %), chokoladearoma (5 %), magnesiumcitrat, sødemiddel: steviolglykosider fra stevia, fordøjelsesenzymet DigeZyme® (alfa-amylase, protease, cellulase, laktase og lipase). ) B-kompleksblanding (thiaminmononitrat, riboflavin, pyridoxinhydrochlorid, cyanocobalamin, folsyre, calcium-D-pantothenat, nikotinamid).
Indeholder MÆLK og LAKTOSE. Kan indeholde spor af GLUTEN, PENAUTER, NØDDER, SOJA og SESAM.
I have try your product and I thought it very good for me and my body thanks . And I have order product to my friend too after she saw me used she really want to try it too